
Near East University



  The Near East University (, established in 1988, is located in Nicosia, capital of North Cyprus, and as an international higher education institution employing highly qualified staff, offers the most extensive undergraduate and postgraduate education opportunities to over 26 thousand students coming from over 100 countries. The Near East University has 20 faculties comprising 220 departments and programs, 8 graduate schools with around 218 graduate and postgraduate programs, and 3 high schools, 28 research institutes, and has several international memberships. The University is already a full member of the European University Association (EUA), International Association of Universities (IAU) within the body of UNESCO, International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP), Joint Commission International (JCI), the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW), 118 other national and international institutions and foundations, and moreover, many more membership applications related to various disciplines are already in progress.

  The Near East University, standing out as a small town of education in center of Cyprus, comprises many firsts in Cyprus. The Faculty of Medicine, which is the only Faculty of Medicine of North Cyprus; the Faculty of Dentistry which is the first and only faculty of North Cyprus; the Dentistry Clinics which are the first JCI accredited private dentistry clinics of the world; the Super Computer which is one of the most advanced and powerful computers of the world with a capacity to provide support to several international research and academic studies throughout the world, including the CERN project; the Grand Library, the biggest and most comprehensive library of Eastern Mediterranean region with over a million printed materials and 115 million electronic sources, where several national and international conferences are held; Hospital of Near East University which is the most advanced research and training hospital of Eastern Mediterranean region; the Faculty of Pharmacy which is the first and only faculty on pharmacy in North Cyprus. The students of Near East University, are provided with all-round on campus facilities and opportunities such as sports fields, shops, restaurants, dormitories with a capacity of 5000 people, health and fitness centres, hospitals, cafes, student clubs, radio-TV centre, library, Olympic swimming pool, national and international banks, travel agencies, post office, scheduled coaches traveling between city and airport from early morning till late night, 24 hours security and health services.

  Since its establishment, the Near East University, primarily aiming to educate self-confident, highly qualified, dedicated and determined individuals, has made an incredible progress and turned into the largest higher education institution and cultural centre of Cyprus.

Our Mission

  The first words are to be expressed about the ‘mission and vision’ of the Near East University, and the first issue to be specified is that the concepts of vision and mission are overlapping. Moreover, the mission of our institution, in general terms, is a concept of wholeness of principles referring to reasons of existence of the university, national and universal dimensions, and objectives. Our vision reflecting our principles and acts in accordance with our policy which is based on the principles of the Turkish education system, is in a scope of showing how to actualize various aims and facilities in the context.

  In this respect, the Near East University adhering to constitutional principles of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, possesses a vision to be a higher education institution in accordance with the general aims and basic principles of the National Turkish Education System, the requirements and principles of the national higher education system, and the overall international values that address to the universal expectations in higher education.

  Both the rules our university has put into force since its establishment and the implementation of these rules through a dynamic understanding which is based on practicality constitute the basic connection between our vision and mission.

The Near East University performs its mission pursuing the cycle of following principles, responsibilities, duties, application procedures:

  • - The Near East University, in accordance with the objectives of a prestigious higher education institution established in TRNC, arranges scientific and academic studies and aims to make scientific studies and the educational quality reach to well-qualified level.
  • - Having the needs and requirements of Turkish national education system in sight, acts in accordance with the objectives of development of TRNC and enlightenment of Turkish Cypriots, and aims to contribute to educational facilities of the neighbour and the 3rd world countries.
  • - Aims to develop the social, cultural and academic relations between the international community and Turkish community in accordance with the principles of contemporary civilization principles.
  • - Aiming to ensure TRNC gain a prestigious place in the international community and cultural world, NEU considers organizing scientific events at the international level and attending to such events as its primary duty.
  • - Undertakes responsibility to contribute to legal and cultural recognition of TRNC as well as increasing the level of international relations, and tackles this mission in accordance with solid relations established with Turkey.
  • - NEU acts in accordance with the objectives aiming developing social, cultural and economic advances of TRNC by providing opportunities to produce scientific research and publish findings, and supervise for educational issues.
  • - Contributes to training and education of human sources needed by Turkey and TRNC through the help and assistance of opportunities and expertise provided by the university, and arranges educational and scientific facilities such as seminars, and takes up consultancy and coordination roles between institutions.
  • - Aims to ensure participation of public in all-round and formal educational facilities, supports participation of public in educational facilities and assumes responsibility to make arrangements of such educational facilities.
  • - Carries out all kinds of research and investigation to provide insight to public issues; provides support services to carry out such investigations and research, and attempts to carry out joint arrangements with relevant institutions.
  • - Makes necessary arrangements to ensure that importance of postgraduate studies are comprehended by the community, and takes necessary precautions to meet the needs of the national institutions as well as arranging training facilities regarding these issues.
  • - Bears responsibility in creating the educational environment to ensure that TRNC gains maximum benefit from the contribution of joint scientific studies arranged between Turkey and TRNC, as well as benefiting from the scientific support and academic staff provided by Turkey.

  As we take a look at the conditions surrounding “Turkish cultural atmosphere” in terms of the wholeness of our mission and vision, two aspects that are integrated as a whole come into existence. First of all, the mission of developing historical and national unity between Turkey and TRNC on concrete grounds stands out. This mission reveals itself not only as a process of developing academic and cultural facilities, but also as a process of aiming to ensure the unity of youth of Turkey and TRNC in the same cultural domain. Our university is sentient in this issue and acts to accomplish the process by not only arranging cultural seminars and meetings, but also ensure continuity of this policy throughout the campus.

  The issues about the mission and vision of our university, as can be seen above, appear within the line of perspectives, principles and objectives that are established in accordance with universal values.

Campus Life


Triple Amphitheatres

  The amphitheatres were built in order to provide service for the academic units of the NEU. Besides the grand hall located in Ataturk Culture and Congress Centre, there are three more halls in our University enabling our students and academic units to make use of them.

These halls are;

Orange Hall

Green Hall

Blue Hall

  As well as being well equipped by the presentation and stage equipments, there are also air-conditioning systems in every hall.

The Blue Hall

  The Blue Hall is located in the Faculty of Maritime Studies and has a capacity of 110 people. There are lots of technological facilities within The Blue Hall enabling the students and academic units to hold seminars, panels and sessions. Moreover, just like other halls, The Blue Hall also equipped with modern air-conditioning systems.

The Orange Hall

  The Orange Hall is located in the Communication Complex, Faculty of Communication and has a capacity of 200 people. As this hall takes place within the Faculty of Communication, it is mostly equipped with modern technical infrastructures such as lighting systems, cameras, simultaneous translation facilities, audio-visual systems. Therefore, besides being suitable for lectures this hall can be used as a studio for recordings.

Quartet Amphitheatres

  The Quartet Amphitheatres are located in Grand Library as Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3 and Hall 4. These amphitheatres as well equipped with the latest technology and suitable for presentations, seminars, sessions and lectures.

Atatürk Cultural and Congress Center

  The Near East University Atatürk Cultural and Congress Centre (ACCC) is distinctively designed and equipped with the latest technology to serve all kinds of national and international congresses, seminars, meetings, conferences and cultural activities. Besides having an excellent architecture and technical infrastructure, the ACCC has four conference halls, one grand hall, two theatre lobbies, and an art exhibition gallery with supportive service units. Equipped with central heating-cooling systems, the ACCC comprises a TV studio, simultaneous translation rooms, managing offices, changing and makeup rooms and décor rooms.

  Without the need for external services, the ACCC is capable of functioning on its own. During congresses at the centre, it is possible to set up stands for fairs and art exhibitions.

  Our university as a body provide 7/24 public access to the campus and other areas in the city which hold the green and open spaces, library, halls, sport fields, monuments, exhibitions of cultural heritage etc.

Sports Tower

  We have opened the Sports Tower which hosts sports activities in many branches and meets the needs of integrated practice and training of various sports branches together in the fully equipped sports halls located within the complex. Besides healthy nutrition, sports is one of the indispensable needs for a healthy life. As the number of people doing sports increases along with the increase of developing consciousness on healthy living, it is recommended for everybod that sports should be done to prevent health problems, especially obesity.

  Sport is the most important tool for young people and ladies to keep themselves away from bad habits and live a healthy life, and to improve the self-confidence and self-worth of children.

  We developed a project by taking every single detail into account and built a Sports Tower, which offers various sports facilities to all ages.

  At the Sports Tower where many sports facilities are offered, special dance sessions are also given to various age groups. Special sessions are given in private rooms to primary, secondary and high school students with their own age groups, where they can carry out sports activities with special sports tools in their own age groups. Beside the sports branches, athletes, children and women are provided with special dietitian services and nutrition programs.

  People with special needs were not forgotten in the Sports Tower. Individuals with special needs have the opportunity to be trained by specialist trainers with programs especially tailored for them.

  First of all, we would like to mention that we work to support and expand sports in every age and every branch. For this we thought from the children, to the adults and the special needs individuals, to the finest detail.

  The fully equipped Sports Tower of the Near East University provides services in a covered area of approximately 5600 m2.

  Thanks to the Health Unit located in the Sports Tower, a healthy working environment is provided by trainers who specialize in healthy living exercises. At the Center where programs tailored to the needs of individuals are implemented by specialist trainers, a health team of nurses is also employed full-time. It is aimed to achieve the desired goal in sports within a shorter period of time through the services offered at the therapy center, where our dietitian is also on duty. In the center, where the latest technological equipments are utilized, you can benefit from the most advanced devices available in the market such as the Body Analyzer (Inbody), Cryo Therapy (Cold Lipolysis Device), Ozone Sauna (Hot Air Therapy), Body Shape (Acceleration of Blood Circulation System), and X Body (Zero Print Treadmill to Joints).

  In addition, person-specific physical fitness tests, performance checks and follow-up tests are also carried out in the Athlete Health Laboratory (Performance Laboratory) of the Sports Tower.

  At the Sports Tower; group exercise programs such as Pilates, Indoor Cycling, Trx, Total Body Work Out, Stepal Aerobic, Zumba, Gymnastics, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Boxing, Kick Boxing, MMA, Kangoo Jumps, X Body, are carried out as indoor activities, and outside the Tower, beach walking, cycling and yachting are also carried out as outdoor activities. All our students, staff and the public can benefit from these activities.

  In case of emergency, patients are immediately transferred to the Near East Hospital by a fully equipped ambulance.

Indoor Olympic Swimming Pool

  The Indoor Olympic Swimming Pool was opened in 19 May 1997, with a magnificent ceremony. The pool complex occupies an internal area of 2700 m2, it has a ceiling height of 16 metres, it is centrally heated and it has a spectator seating capacity of 1000 people. The pool’s dimensions are 50 x 21 metres and it requires 3100 cubic tons of water. There are diving towers with varying heights of 3-5-7 and 10 metres. It is equipped with modern internal hardware and has a decent Aqua Café. The Indoor Olympic Swimming Pool is the first and only indoor Olympic pool in TRNC. Since the opening of the Indoor Olympic Swimming Pool-Near East University, summer and winter swimming courses have been started to be given. 

  These courses have continued up until now and so far 7154 people have attended. All attendants of the swimming courses have been trained to swim with scientific methods. Near East University swimming Team has been founded within the same year as the pool’s establishment. Besides winning many championships, the NEU swimming team has broken many records in all official competitions held in TRNC in 1998-1999. NEU swimming team member A. Cemal ULUSAN won the bronze medal at Winter Swimming Competitions held in Turkish Republic in 17-18 December 1999 and became our pride. Many of our swimmers won several awards in the following years at swimming championships held in Turkey. Our swimmers Buğra KORAHAN, Şeniz BORA, Turgut IŞIK, Kemal SIMALIOĞLU were invited to join the National Swimming Team of Turkey and have represented our country in third world countries, proudly.



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