
Girne American University



  In joining GAU you will be taking advantage of the opportunity we provide our students to become visionary leaders in prestigious fields, such as law and architecture, and to bring forth the next generation of success. GAU opens the gate to a pathway of a successful world class standard of education by providing a scholarship opportunities scheme. GAU is the only global university of Cyprus that provides education through its 7 international campuses located in 3 continents around the world. As a student of GAU you will be guided and supported by your peers, academic advisors, lecturers, and the entire global GAU family in order to discover your potential beyond any horizon in your quest to achieve your future ambitions.


  GAU was founded in 1985 and has grown from its small beginnings with just seven students to being the 20,000 strong university that it is today 33 years later. From its very inception, GAU has maintained close contractual ties with universities in North America and Europe. GAU was one of the first university in Cyprus to receive recognition from YOK (Turkish Higher Education Council). This was followed by recognition from YODAK (Higher Education Council of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus). These required national accreditations were followed by a number of program accreditations and international recognitions. This year is our 33th graduation ceremony that will occur in June of 2018 when more than 1500 graduates will earn their degrees and go on to advanced studies or to excellent jobs in Europe, the region and the World. 

  In 1995 GAU started its expansion into the international higher education sector. Since then educational partnerships have been developed in India, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, the USA, the UK, the Czech Republic, Hong Kong and Moldova. These partnerships include student and faculty exchanges and the opportunity for students to experience different cultures and learning experiences. The initial vision of the founders was to establish GAU as the pre-eminent institution of higher learning for the professions. The university now includes degree offerings in Business and Economics, Politics, Health Sciences, Engineering, Communication, Humanities, Law, Pharmacy, Education, Architecture, Aviation, Marine, Nursing, Sports, Performing Arts and Tourism. While heading towards the 50th year, GAU, throughout its 33 years of development the management, faculty and staff of the university have balanced the requirements for growth, with the need for high levels of quality, both in teaching and in the overall experience of each student. 

  Throughout its 33 year history, GAU has sought to optimize its use of the latest in technology and teaching methods. While we have one of the highest Ph.D. to student ratios, we also have the highest computer to student ratio. For the past five years the GAU library has been at the forefront of the revolution in library science; the implementation of digital library resources. Many classes now include Power Point presentations and MP-4 download versions of the lectures. The entire campus and all dormitories have Wi-Fi throughout. GAU TV and Radio also broadcast selected lectures and seminars for student and faculty viewing. GAU is continuing its global activities at an incredible pace today in light of its founding mission. As a member of the Universal Education Group and the American Education Consortium, GAU is moving firmly in achieving its targets while heading towards it’s 50th year in education. 

  The future is indeed bright.

Our Mission

  Throughout its history, GAU has been guided by its focus on five core values: access, speed, relevance, value and community. Girne American University is dedicated to making American model learning opportunities accessible throughout life and to making them challenging and relevant to a diverse population of young adults. Its aim is to make possible an education that is at the same time both accessible and excellent. It does this through exceptional management of the University operations and resources, innovative delivery systems, student services and relevant programmes that are learner-centred, success-oriented and responsive to technology. In support of its mission, a programme has been initiated to transform all courses into digital format. This effective format for course presentation is a practical expression of one of the University’s core values - that of providing access to higher education. The format helps students to complete their programmes expeditiously, thus reflecting another core value of speed. Another aspect of speed is the ability to make adjustments in the curriculum to keep abreast of developments in each field. 

  In this way Girne American University is able to offer new programmes promptly when new needs and opportunities present themselves. This responsiveness supports the core value of relevance. Even as GAU works to provide programmes that are current and relevant it also strives to provide them at an affordable price so that the student receives value. As GAU has matured the University has recognised that it cannot succeed without a sense of community. This it strives to achieve by creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, openness, honesty and attentiveness to the core values. The University has made significant progress in creating such a community among its members and it has thereby created opportunities for students to gain an appreciation of their own role in the community by building experience at national and local and international level. At Girne American University we strive to reach the unreachable, to provide learning and to encourage educational development worldwide. 

  “Our World is university, events are teachers, happiness is the graduation point, and character is the diploma God gives a man.” (John Dewey)

Campus Life

  In addition to recieving world class education from highly qualified academicians from over 40 countries worldwide students of GAU enjoy the opportunity to engage in active and rewarding social activites on campus including over 1000 events per year, such as the annual spring fest, theatre festival, GAU Lympics, and many more. Students can also take advantage of our life long learning center GAU-SEM which offers extra curicular certified short courses ranging from computing, lanaguage and self development skills.



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